In the February issue of CMO Magazine, there's an inset entitled "Blogging Ahead." While it cites data from Forrester that 42% of online consumers (and 49% of online consumers between 18-24) have never heard of a blog, it also states:
"Although half of all online consumers have not yet heard of blogging, Forrester Research prdicts that consumers who use blogs will become an attractive target group for marketers and recommends that companies start developing blogging plans now."
This does point me back to my post on RSS earlier this week -- just because they haven't heard of blogging doesn't mean they aren't reading it. My bet is that a slice of these consumers are visiting Gawker and boing boing at least a few times a week -- and have no idea that they're reading blogs already. Blogging is a technology to us -- to them, it's just a really hip web site that gets updated a lot.