DigitalGrit Webinars are back! Last year's SEO & Blogs webinar was such a hit, we thought we'd do another one on Business Blogs. So here's the skinny:
"Talking & Listening: Secrets to a Successful Business Blog Strategy"
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
1:00PM Eastern, 10:00AM Pacific's a bit of the marketing shpiel....
By listening to blogs in and around your market, you can learn what others are talking about, what your consumers' key concerns are, and what your competitors are saying in response to those concerns. Armed with this knowledge, you’re informed well enough to offer original and intelligent insight to the conversation — instead of just adding to the noise.
So if you're a marketer wondering whether or not you ought to be concerned with blogs, this is for you. And it's free. And you'll get a free transcript (including all the slides, graphs and charts we use in the webinar).
Come to think of it...can't come up with a single reason why you shouldn't register!