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January 19, 2007


Yvon Brousseau

I strongly believe that Internet is the ‘’today’’ part of new technologies and like any powerful tool of nature, has to be managed and accessed properly to get real benefits out of it. And, only a combination of educational programs and parental involvement is still the most effective way to keep our kids safe online…

I think educators, parents, and members of the community are looking for new tool to support their children educational role about Internet that’s why we created AxylomClass ® a 2nd generation of Internet parent control software based on an innovative approach without exploiting standard technological filter or censure approaches but a Trust mode of navigation.

AxylomClass ® lend a hand as parent to develop and to sustain self-governance, ethical and critical attitudes from yours children electronically connected to the world with a solid control on Internet clutter.

Finally, to give them a reason to push aside all of that clutter and focus on reaching their true potential, in school and beyond.

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