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November 08, 2007


Michael Jensen

Hugo, thanks for the interview and write-up. A few thoughts... I never intended IndexRank to replace PageRank, so comparing it to PageRank or PageStrength doesn't make sense. It's about indexing rank, neither of which PR or PS take into account. They are different measurements and IndexRank was never meant to cover one page, but rather the entire site.

Sure its not perfect, but its a ton better than staring at your screen and not having some way to compare yourself to other sites/competitors. :)


Thanks for the feedback, Michael! Although you did not intend for this tool to specifically replace Google's PageRank bar, but it does so indirectly.

Google's rate of index is a key indicator of the real "PageRank" of a domain. Therefore, your tool provides tremendous insight into the value of a link from a given domain. Obviously, this doesn't lend us direct insight into interior pages within the domain, but those values can be implied.

As a matter of fact, I've already used it to gauge the value of a link from various sites. I used to perform this manually, by simply using Google's advanced search and pulling time-related index queries, but you've automated the process!

So hats off to you. You may not have intended it, but you've given webmasters a fairly legitimate alternative to PR.


I tried this tool, but it was very inaccurate...it indicated 4 sites as not being indexed within the past month, when they all have been. In fact, one site has been indexed quite frequently and yet it didn't show anything for the past 3 months.


Thanks for the feedback, Kay! The tool does have some bugs, but just to clarify, it doesn't check to see if a site is indexed again and again. Instead, it checks to see how much new content from a site is indexed. From your comment, it seemed like you were expecting the tool to tell you if the same content was being indexed again and again, as opposed to new content.


I tried it and found it inaccurate as well. This is the second try... Not of much use for me.

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