SecondLife may be the biggest thing since YouTube or MySpace, and now it's destined to grow even bigger...particularly with anyone who was a teenage girl in 1984.
Former teen heartthrobs (yes, I really just wrote that!) Duran Duran will be going all avatar on SecondLife, reliving their glory days with their own virtual island and performing online concerts. (BTW, David Bowie's fan site used to have an avatar community. Don't ask me why I know that. But it was cool.) Nick Rhodes, keyboardest for the group, apparently got into SecondLife a few months back, according to BBC:
"Somehow the amalgamation was just irresistible - what became obvious was that Duran Duran should have a presence within there."
Rhodes said he hoped the Duran Duran community would help develop the island into a "fully functional, futuristic utopia".
Rhodes added: "We are hoping to give the crowd that come to the virtual concert a real immersive experience, so they can interact with us and react while we are stage."
Yes, but will John Taylor still be hot as an avatar?
Here's the audio from Nick's interview.