I thought this was a fun post --
From the Connected Internet blog in the UK:
I think I need to start Googling my name more! Google appear to be to trying to recruit staff by placing Google ads for people when they Google their name. Do a Google search for Susan Dumai, a researcher for MSN search to see what I mean.
When you think about this, it's could actually be a quite clever way to get in touch with an individual, who will be the main person Googling themselves. It's probably quite cheap as well - who else is going want to buy ads for 'Susan Dumai'?
I wonder if other companies will start buying Google Ads to start targeting individuals? e.g. a mortgage company could buy the names of people who are coming up to renewal and places ads for their products, a weight-loss company could place adds for people who are overweight etc etc.
What a fantastic idea! We'll definitely have to consider this for future recruiting efforts. So Google your name and see if we're looking for you!